Friday, November 19, 2010

Dreamed. The misspelling is important.

Once I dreamed an idol dream
Back in the late September,
His voice was dark, his eyes were dark
My heart grew black and tender.
His breath was burnt with cigarettes,
Presence hallowed by the bar
and suited up with devils teeth
Who'd lament for gin swept stars.

Once I dreamed an idol dream
that my piano had been drinking.
His necktie had slid down to the floor
in a drunken stupor; sleeping.
Yet, as wax pools on my window sill
I get hungry for the blues
And dream again of Factorytown

the blind-sick howls,
the smoke spat fuse.


  1. sally, this is actually so beautiful
    don't know how you do it :)

  2. mouse.

    that is flipping beautiful.

    I wish I could write like that.

  3. wow that is do u do it?????
