Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Death Metal Yaris

Death metal Yaris
Being obnoxious as it pulls away
From the curb of the Parramatta RSL
Squeaking as it accelerates
Dropping behind most of the traffic
As it pulls along Church street    .
Someone pulls out Busta Rhymes
And I begin to feel exceeding white
We're on our way to the Hills
Past Jimmy's kebabs
[where his Dad took us for chips once]
Past lots of construction fences
["nothing can get colder than... 
hydrogen is probably only just frozen at zero kelvin... 
nothing is greater than all of... "]
Past Holy Trinity Anglican Church
And the Bull & Bush
Where I saw that band who had
A drummer that played
For three songs only.

I feel that I am spinning faster.
Spreading roots beneath my feet
In all directions.
Grasping at fortitude and 
Hoping that I find worms.