Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Goodbye Childhood, Hello Briefcase.

Today I saw the end of my childhood on a movie screen. I cried a little. Sometimes it seems that it has come too quickly, or right on time. Maybe a little slow. But today, I am unsure where I stand. I'm not educated enough to make the right decisions, but I'm being shunted out the door. I can see a group of disgruntled elderly people. I KNOW that they are wrong. It is in their nature to pick and pry and torment, because they are unhappy. There are so many more of them now. And along will come the babyboomers. We are expected to feed them, and pay for them. You know, I would be happy to do so. I will be happy to do so, when the time comes.

As long as they respect our sacrifice. As long as they respect our views. And don't chase us half way down the freaking street because we vote for a different political party to you. Have some God Damn Respect.

Sometimes, old people make me angry.

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