Timothy Jeffery Mann. I will never ever know how to spell your middle name. Because, evidently sir, neither do you. This is a tribute written about Tim, for Tim, because he really doesn't know how much I truely appreciate him. For those on looking, not knowing much about Tim, this is the low-down. Tim is my best friend. We're in a band. We travelled Japan together. We're going to revisit in 2012. He is the sweetest man that I have ever met, and probably the most ocker Aussie bloke ever (apart from his Dad). I'm really glad that I met him. Like on a scale of one to how much I value my life.. it's up there with my life :)

My journey with this boy in Japan was absolutely life changing. I know that sounds terribly cliched, and I apologise for this un-Sally sounding entry, (it's lacking my usual gruff affection that I apply to my writing), but it's completely and utterly mutha' flippin' true. Without Tim I would have gone completely bonkers. The best reminder of home. Like carrying around a little portable pocket home, so you didn't miss the real home at all while you were away. He was a person to hug when all the other people didn't see the need for physical contact. He was the one who also didn't think it neccessary to wear shoes all the time (thank god, I would have died). He shared with me the music that I missed so much, and always reminded me of what exactly I was doing at the time. 'Hey Sally. What are you doing right now?'
'We're having a barbeque. On the rooftop of a building. Within a conference. IN JAPAN!'

Tim's me best mate. He knows me better than any other person in the whole globe. He knows what I'm thinking, when I need a hug and the best thing to say for every situation. He'll put up with my girlie movie choices (YES EAT PRAY LOVE) and most of all, he is just the coolest guy in the whole world. Ever.
Ever. Ever. Ever. Ever. Ever. Ever. Ever. Ever. Ever. Ever. Ever. Ever. Ever. Ever. Ever. Ever. Ever. Ever. Ever.
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