Wednesday, January 16, 2013


My friends tend to think that I'm a small eater. That I'm finnicky. Well, here's the truth of it: I'm terrible at eating. In public. With people. Nothing terrifies me more than the concept of a dinner with a boyfriends family. I can do pleasant conversation. Heck, I can even do extended outdoor activity. Movies are a breeze. But dinner? Gives me the willies. Everybody watches you eat. I'll drop my food. Make the wrong order. People raise eyebrows at my weird allergies. I'm much better with a piece of toast and a glass of water, thankyou.

Sunday, January 6, 2013


I dreamt that god would be forgiving.
You know what, Anne Hathaway? God isn't forgiving. But I am, SO COME HERE YOU BIG LUG. Mwaaaa.