Friday, July 23, 2010

Oh and another thing.

Herr Barr - Chris Clark,

definitely worth a look at on youtube.

All those recommendations have made me quite thirsty.

One of my favourite blogs in the whole world has to be my friend Nathan's. It's wonderful. I think I'll link you to it.

It's :)

He has this amazing manner about his writings, which I find particularly delightful~!

I also really really enjoy the original factorytown. Made before we knew it, by a man we've never met. We each have our own factories, different ways to get there. I apologise if he found this similar. I had launched my obsession before I knew of his existance. So in advance, Mr Man (if you read this), I apologise. And I love your work by the way. Absolutely brilliant.


I was looking for a smaller word than 'Enjoy' that started with 'E'. And Eels make me happy.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

An Amazing Paranoid Android Cover; You Should Take The Time To Listen.

Copyrights to Radiohead and Tripod.


Someone Borrowed.

I remember my dreams. In great detail.
So I find it rather hard not to become attached to the people within them, and often wake very sad to see them gone.

There was a man in a warehouse. With a very dark voice. I was in the rafters, high up and nervous to move. I couldn't see his whole face, but one side seemed to be scarred. So I dare say, the other replicates. He was mumbling to himself, and had a mop and a bucket. He seemed to have trouble focussing on what he was doing. I had been watching him closely for what was a very long time, only seeming momentarily for me, when he looked up into the rafters. And everything stood still.

There was brown. And there was warmth.

It's funny, how you think you've never seen that person before, you'd swear on it that you'd made them up. A little imaginary man in your head.
This one is real though.

I met him at a party. Though he didn't meet me.